Philippians 2:3-4


3) Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves].

4) Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests, but also each for the interests of others.


Bishop Dr. Michael R. Richardson is a native of Lake Wales, FL. He has been ministering for over 45 years. During this time he has fulfilled numerous positions in serving His Lord with the Call on his life. He has been a Pastor four times, and served as an Evangelist for most of his ministry. The Lord has continually used him as a powerful preacher and teacher throughout his ministry. He is highly respected as an anointed man of God.

Zephaniah 2:14 - "And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he shall uncover the cedar work."

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