In Pursuit of God
Pursuit - the act of pursuing, chasing, or striving after
Today everyone is in pursuit of something.
In The Pursuit of:
A Better Education
Better Health
The list is inexhaustible of the endless and untiring pursuits of man. However, today I want to know is there anyone in the pursuit of God? If so, give God your best!
I've been captured by a love that I can't explain. I'm forever changed. I've abandoned everything I've ever known after I realized that my life was not my own. I belong to God and I long for Him.
Psalm 42:1 NLT
As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, O God.
The deer searches for the water as if his life depends upon it. His instincts tell him to run to the water. The psalmist pants after God, he thirsts for God, he longs for God, not the ordinances themselves, but the God of the ordinances. Who can take pleasure by being in God’s courts, if you do not meet with God Himself there? I want God because He is the source of my life. He sustains me.
We were created to possess the glory of God. My question is do we still want the glory of God?
When I was in revival in North Fort Myers, Florida, Ethan the son of the pastor, ran and jumped upon his father and leaned his ear on his father’s chest. Pastor Jonathan asked, “What are you doing son? Ethan replied, daddy I want to hear your heartbeat.” Church my heart is crying out. Daddy I want to hear your heartbeat. I am in the pursuit of God.
Dr. Michael R. Richardson PhD
AKA BigRev